Admission & Registration
Tuition & Fees
Enrollment Fee
(Daycare & Afterschool)
Daycare Tuition:
6 wks-17 months - $185 weekly
2 yr olds - $175 weekly
3 yr olds - $165 weekly
4 yr olds - $155 weekly
5 yr olds - $155 weekly
After-School Care Tuition:
$65 Weekly
HOPTots is a CCS provider! Now offering first responder and military discounts.
Childcare Registration
Make Payment Online
Make your payments using our online payment portal. Please contact us via email at admin@hoptotsdaycare.com if you have any questions regarding payment amounts or payment scheduling. Click the button below to log in to payment processing portal. Hop Tots is now a CCS provider, and offers first responder and military discounts, contact us for more details!
about HopTots
San Antonio Christian Daycare
Our mission is to offer the best child care available along with an enjoyable and valuable experience for children in a Christ-Centered environment. We believe the early years of a child's life are imperative, setting a foundation for their future. In these early years we want to see the child develop attitudes and attributes such as significance, self-esteem, selflessness, and spiritual development.